Contact Us

Johannesstr. 27
86565 Gachenbach, Germany
Tel: +49 8259 828781
Fax: +49 8259 828783

For House Owners
You want to install MOOSfree® or INOFLEXX® on your roof?
Our products are in use world wide. Some of our distribution partners in the German-speaking area are listed on our website . Or feel free to contact your roofer, plumber, tinner or comparable craft company in your area, which will be happy to advise you. And we also try our best to answer your questions.
For Craftsmen and Wholesale
For quotes and product information please contact us. We appreciate your interest and are happy if you consider adding MOOSfree® or INOFLEXX® to your product range.

OpenVario by STEFLY® – We manufacture the well-known navigation computers for aviation (especially gliding), which are distributed under the brand STEFLY®. For further information please visit

Both our company headquarters in Gachenbach and our production site in Schrobenhausen are centrally located in southern Germany (Bavaria), between Augsburg and Ingolstadt.